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February 2023 Newsletter

February 2023 Newsletter

We need your feedback!

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APS Introduction

Dear Visitor 

Read the latest news from the Australian Paediatric Society.

February 2023

2023 APS ISPAD Diabetes Workshop

The APS is proud to announce that the 2023 APS ISPAD Diabetes Workshop will be held at the Playford Hotel, Adelaide and online Friday 6 and Saturday 7 October.

Please save the date!

APS and the National Allergy Council

The APS is represented on the National Allergy Council. David Bannister and Peter Goss have devised a brief questionnaire which will distributed shortly to all APS members on how best children with allergy can be serviced in your regions.

APS Committee Update

We are calling for the next generation of regional pediatricians to consider joining the APS Committee. The APS has over 300 members and provides a voice to Federal and State Governments on issues of regional child health. We are interested in all views on how better to support local services and provide effective quality care for regional children.
Please consider giving some time and energy to being part of the APS Committee. Nominations for positions will be called before the AGM later in the year.


Dates to be confirmed.

Website Additions

There is a new Journal Club video available here [login to view]
Journal Club 8 Feb 2023

The cough that sometimes kills - An update on RSV for GPs and Paediatricians

When: 7 March, 7pm-8.30pm (AEDT) 
Hosted by: Praxhub
Sponsored by: Sanofi
The educational event aims to reorient practitioners in the community setting to the evolving epidemiology of RSV in Australia. While RSV can lead to children becoming severely unwell and hospitalised, the majority of children will be assessed in the first instance by their GP.
As RSV lay relatively dormant during COVID, most clinician focus was on the identification of that illness during the COVID pandemic. Relaxed COVID restrictions has resulted in changing RSV patterns and severity of infection. It is important to re-focus attention to non-COVID respiratory infections in children, with particular emphasis on children at particular risk of poor outcomes. Use of evidence-based care in the community and signals for escalating care to tertiary settings is called for. Emerging treatments and preventive measures will play a role in mitigating the effect of this disease.
prax hub seminar 7 mar 2023