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15th Annual APS / ISPAD (Hybrid) Diabetes workshop - only a month away

15th Annual APS / ISPAD (Hybrid) Diabetes workshop - only a month away

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15th Annual APS / ISPAD (Hybrid) Diabetes Workshop - only a month away

We are meeting at the Playford  Adelaide and virtually on the  6th  and 7th Oct 2023 with the theme “Successful models of T1D care”

Program is finalised and can be found on the website here 
and at pdfAPS ISPAD 2023 Program

Earlybird registration has been extended to 15th September.

If you and your team members are looking for the best clinical updates on Type 1 Diabetes, register now!

Register here

“Models of T1D Care to Optimise Outcomes,” – looking at how regional teams have chosen to structure their service with limited resources, to produce best possible outcomes.

Presentations from ISPAD President David Maahs (USA), Peter Adolfsson (Sweden) and Brynn Marks (USA) along with local experts.

Cost of registration is unchanged from 2022.

VENUE: The on site meeting will be held at the Playford Hotel Adelaide on Friday 6th and  Saturday 7th October 2023 from 8.50am - 5.00pm.

ISPAD President David Maahs (USA) will deliver the “Virtual ISPAD President Address” presenting “T1D Technology – The Present and My Future Vision.”

This workshop is of interest  general paediatricians and paediatric endocrinologists and their diabetes teams, paediatric and endocrine trainees, and other interested medical practitioners, updating ISPAD international standard child and adolescent diabetes management.  

For T1D Teams, the Saturday afternoon session will be how to incorporate the successful JHCH Newcastle T1D model of care (SWIIM model) in your practice. If your team has an interest in attending that session, please encourage as many members as possible to attend in person or on line (or both!).

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