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APS December 2023 Newsletter

APS December 2023 Newsletter

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APS Newsletter December 2023

Dear APS member and colleague,

The video recordings of the 15th Annual APS ISPAD Diabetes Workshop are now available for the registrants and speakers.  Apologies that it has taken so long – our Vimeo account is restricted in upload capabilities so we will look to improve in the future!

See access details here.

We have already received extremely positive feedback from a meeting that was so friendly and collegiate. Thank you! Please email me at to tell us how we did and what you would like for the workshop in 2024. Our 2024 meeting is scheduled on 25/26 October in Melbourne – venue to be decided. 

Those interested in the exciting seamless data capture of Diabeasy and associated APS affiliated SWEET membership, please advise Tom on

The APS submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Diabetes can be found here:

Could I please ask you to also complete the ISPAD Diabetes in Schools survey:

Such surveys assist in understanding how we can best advocate for students with T1D whist in the care and custody of the school.

Many thanks

Peter Goss

Chair APS Diabetes

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