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The voice of
rural child health

Supporting equitable care to all Australian children

The voice of
rural child health

Encouraging tertiary skills in regional areas

The voice of
rural child health

Enabling modern technology for rural youth

The voice of
rural child health

Providing collegiate, educational and social support

The voice of
rural child health

Expanding services to rural children through telemedicine

Australian Paediatric Society

Our aims and objectives are to act as the peak Australian body providing comprehensive representation on issues that pertain to rural and regional child health and welfare.

16th Annual APS|ISPAD Diabetes Workshop

Friday 25th and Saturday 26th October 2024 from 8.50am - 5.00pm at the Langham Hotel Southbank Melbourne.

This workshop is designed to offer general paediatricians and paediatric endocrinologists and their diabetes teams, paediatric and endocrine trainees, and other interested medical practitioners an update by local and international speakers in a variety of areas of practical child and adolescent diabetes management.  

The draft program is available. Registration is now open.

17 October 2024

7th Annual APS Paediatric Allergy MasterClass Workshop

The  7th Annual APS Paediatric Allergy MasterClass Workshop was held on Saturday, 4th May 2024 from 8.50am - 5.00pm at the Langham Hotel Melbourne and virtually.

Presentations were recorded and are now available for view.

17 October 2024 

APS Journal Club June 2024

Recording now available to Members - log in to view. 

Media Statement 20 December 2023

The tragic preventable death of Lachlan Cook whist in the custody of his school in late 2019 has shone a light on a known workplace safety issue for students with Type 1 Diabetes. It is hoped for the sake of Lachlan’s family and the many people involved in the tragedy, that Governments and education authorities will now seize the opportunity to redress the lack of requisite training for school staff as required by Workplace safety and revise the current unlawful and inadequate school programs for all students with Type 1 Diabetes.

15th Annual APS|ISPAD Diabetes Workshop

THEME: Models of T1D Care to Optimise Outcomes

LOCATION: Online and on site at Playford Hotel Adelaide

DATE: Friday 6th and Saturday 7th October 2023

Presentations were recorded and are now available for view.

10 December 2023

Federal Parliamentary Inquiry into Diabetes - APS Submission Aug 2023

This submission is a genuine attempt by passionate, time-poor paediatricians who have provided unfunded deliberation on the issues, recommending interventionsthat, from extensive professional clinical experience, we consider are most likely to improve health outcomes for young people with T1D using Federal Government funds most effectively.

The APS Diabetes Committee is the most active paediatric diabetes interest group in Australia

APS Position Statement Diabetes in Schools - July 2023

Regional paediatricians have a responsibility to maintain the best possible standard of care for children in regional Australia. The Australian Paediatric Society, the peak body representing rural child health, endorses the following points in management of Australian children and adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). APS endorses the 2018 ISPAD Position Statement for Diabetes in Schools. 

APS Position Statement Diabetes in Schools - School Camps - July 2023

While the prescribed treatment for the student with T1D does not change whether on-campus or offcampus, the circumstances of the school camp or other off campus activities should be addressed individually to ensure ability of the school to discharge its duty of care to the student. There is no requirement for a special camp plan for the student - rather it is the responsibility of the school to...

Statement on Federal Government Parliamentary Inquiry into Diabetes - 20 Jun 2023

The Australian Paediatric Society (APS), a Special Society of the RACP representing over 300 paediatricians who manage over 4000 (or 1 in 3) young Australians with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) applaud Health Minister Mark Butler for establishing a Parliamentary Inquiry into Diabetes. Minister Butler has listened to valid concerns about inequity, underperformance and even unlawful programs that exist and require urgent redress to keep our children safe and guarantee their future.

Statement on PBS delisting of Fiasp insulin - 31 March 2023

The Australian Paediatric Society is disappointed at the Federal Government’s decision to reduce by 37% the rebate to the only ultra-fast insulin in market, that has led to Novo Nordisk making a commercial decision to withdraw the product Fiasp from the Pharmaceutical Benefits System on April 1st. 

Regional Australia T1D Resources

The Australian Paediatric Society is conducting a  Regional Australia T1D resources survey to advocate  for improved, more cost efficient services and models of T1D care in regional Australia.

We have created a survey to sign post current status to measure the impact of the roll out of a revolutionary data collection model, Diabeasy. Please complete this survey and consider the value of joining the Regional Paediatric T1D Network to improve access to optimal diabetes management in regional Australia.

Supporting equitable care to all Australian children

Encouraging tertiary skills in regional areas

Enabling modern technology for rural youth

Expanding services to rural children through telemedicine

Providing collegiate, educational and social support

The Australian Paediatric Society comprises over 200 general paediatricians, mostly from rural and regional Australia.
Australian regional paediatricians have a responsibility to ensure optimum management of sick children and maintain optimal health outcomes for children and adolescents in their region. There is an obligation to supervise junior staff and doctors of other disciplines who may have little or no experience in managing traumatized and sick children and families appropriately. The scope of practice of a regional paediatrician therefore is far more than being limited to paediatric medicine, trauma and resuscitation, but is rather a mix of advocacy, service organisation, training, community liaison and clinical paediatric medicine.